We recently conducted the 2017 Corporate Administration Survey and had a response from a large number of aged care providers covering 457 residential care facilities with 35,164 operational places, 12,972 home care clients and 15,395 occupied independent living units. Across the 58 organisations that submitted data, revenues totalled $4.8 billion and aggregated total assets were a total of $15.8 billion.
2019 09 ACFPS Corporate Administration Costs Survey
Survey Report out now

StewartBrown’s Corporate Administration Costs in the Aged Care Sector Survey finds:
- Corporate administration costs continue to increase at a rate greater than the increase in revenue
- There has been a particular increase in corporate administration staff costs
- Organisations are on average spending 16.87% of their operating revenues on administration
2020 07 Year End Employer Obligations and Employment Update For the year ending 30 June 2020
This special edition of our newsletter is to remind you of your 2020 financial year employer obligations and provide you with an update on employment matters:-