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  • 2020 01 StewartBrown 2020 Land Tax Newsletter

2021 07 NSW and Federal Government co-fund COVID support package

The NSW and Federal Governments have announced additional support measures for businesses and individuals in NSW as the Greater Sydney lockdown looks set to continue well beyond this Friday, 16 July 2021.

As you would appreciate, not all details are available regarding eligibility. Some commentators have suggested details and examples will be released at 5pm Friday afternoon, we will keep you informed as further information is released.

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2020 09 StewartBrown Special Newsletter - JobKeeper Extension

Welcome to this special edition of the StewartBrown newsletter where we update you on the recently enacted changes to the JobKeeper program. The JobKeeper Extension changes were previously referred to as JobKeeper 2.0 and JobKeeper 3.0 in previous newsletters.

The changes are quite complex and this newsletter cannot possibly cover all situations so we strongly advise you to seek guidance from your StewartBrown Manager or Partner if further assistance or clarification is needed.

To view or download a copy of this special edition newsletter, click here.

2020 08 JobKeeper Version 3.0 Special Edition Newsletter

Welcome to this special edition of the StewartBrown newsletter where we update you on proposed further changes to the JobKeeper Payment scheme announced recently.

On Tuesday 21st July 2020, the Australian Government has announced proposed changes to payments under the JobKeeper and JobSeeker schemes and we summarise these for you.

Click here to view or download a copy of this newsletter.

2020 07 JobKeeper Version 2.0 Special Edition Newsletter

Welcome to this special edition of the StewartBrown newsletter where we update you on the proposed changes to the JobKeeper program announced earlier this week.

On Tuesday 21st July 2020, the Australian Government has announced proposed changes to payments under the JobKeeper and JobSeeker schemes and we summarise these for you.

Click here to view or download a copy of this newsletter.

2019 06 Single Touch Payroll (“STP”)

What is STP?
In summary, STP is a Government initiative to simplify business reporting obligations relating to payroll. Essentially all employers will be required to report payroll information to the ATO at the time of payment. STP will also streamline processes including tax file number declarations, Super Choice forms and notifications to super funds and government agencies.

When and who does it apply to?
From 1 July 2019, STP relates to all employers however depending on your circumstances there may be some concessions or exclusions available.

What to do?
After you’ve spoken to your StewartBrown Manager or Partner you will either need to set up, upgrade or implement an STP compliant solution. We urge you to consult with us to assist with the process, in particular when processing annual Income Statements and Finalisation Declarations.

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StewartBrown Advisory Pty Ltd
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Tel: (02) 9412 3033
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